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Sunday 29 July 2012

surah yaseen 1st rakuu tilawat by Ahmed saud

Monday 16 July 2012

Madani Qaida In English Free Download

Madani Qaida In English Free Download

Download Madani Qaida In English In Which You Can Learn How To Read The Holly Qur'an With Proper Pronunciation.


Friday 13 July 2012

What is Tajweed?

What is Tajweed?
“Tajweed ” is an Arabic word meaning correct pronunciation during recitation. It is a set of rules which dictate how the Qur'an should be read.
When Islam was being spread not everyone's tongue was accustomed to the Arabic letters and sounds. Therefore, when reciting the Qur'an, much error and flaw occurred and the Muslim scholars feared that there was error and distortion. It was at this point that some of them recorded the rules and foundations that regulate the correct pronunciation of Qur'an, and they named this the Science of Tajweed. The rules were not made up by these Scholars. In fact, all they did was closely observe the perfect readers who read as they were taught by the Prophet and wrote down for later generations the rules of recitation of the earlier generations.
From the outset, Tajweed was a Science that cannot be learnt only from a book and will always retain this inherent quality. The most important part of Tajweed is learning about correct positions of the organs of speech and the manner of articulation. The Qur'an can lose its meaning if the letters are not pronounced correctly.

What is Qur’an?

What is Qur’an?

Quran is the book that was revealed to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ) both in word and in meaning. It is collected between the two covers of the mushaaf, was narrated in mutawaatir chains, and is a challenge to humankind.

We can learn six important things about the Qur’an from this definition.
  1. The Arabic speech of Allah: The Qur’an is the speech of Allah, in Arabic. This means that anything that’s not Arabic isn’t the Qur’an. You can’t pray in English, in French, in Swahili, in Urdu–it has to be in Arabic.
  2. Revealed to the Prophet: We know that Allah revealed many revelations–including the Injeel and the Tawrah and the Zabur. Those are also revelation of Allah–but they’re not the Qur’an. Only what Allah revealed to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ) is Qur’an.
  3. Revealed in Word and Meaning: Not Only is the meaning of the Qur’an the same as what Allah meant; but the words themselves are also from Allah. (Unlike Hadith Qudsi, where the meaning is from Allah, and the words are from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم ))
  4. Collected between Two Covers: Hadith Qudsi is also the speech of Allah, but it’s not Qur’an. Similarly, there are verses that used to be in the Qur’an, but aren’t anymore–even though they were once! These are the abrogated verses, and they’re not considered Qur’an anymore, even though we still know what some of those revelations were.
  5. Mutawaatir: The Qur’an was related in a mutawaatir fashion–so many narrators narrated it, at every single step in the chain of narration, that it’s impossible that they all lied or made a mistake.
  6. A Challenge to Humankind: The Qur’an is an ongoing challenge to the human race–create a book, a surah, a verse like it; but, we will NEVER be able to. Allah Himself says so.
One other important part of the definition of the Qur’an is that Allah promised that He will protect it, until the end of time–and that promise doesn’t apply to anything else (such as the sunnah, or the Hadith Qudsi).

Why understand the Qur’an?
Qur’an is guidance to humanity which also includes you. Since none of us want to be misguided, it is paramount not only to read or recite Qur’an, but to understand and implement it to our daily lives as well.